Saturday, July 12, 2008

Oh my!

So tonight I came home to a pile of mail! I had ordered some note pads on etsy and those came (so cute- thank you nutandbee!), but I also came home to an acceptance letter to attend Savannah School of Art and Design! I didn't think I would 'not' get accepted so it wasn't really suprising to me. BUT!!! There was another package also from SCAD and it was... A PRESIDENTAL SCHOLARSHIP AWARD for $20k a year!!! Holy crap! That's almost a full ride to SCAD! I can't believe it, really! This is so exciting! I am also wondering how I will manage to keep Mid West Vintage alive if I'm busy in school. I am determined to keep Mid West Vintage alive, as I love doing it. I'm majoring in photography so I think I will just try to incorporate vintage finds into some of the work I will be doing at SCAD. I also plan on taking some metalsmithing and textile classes there. I would love to make jewelry and/or a few cool dresses. Alright! Time for sleep and then work early in the A.M.!


Miss-Dandy said...

Wowza! Congrats on the surprise scholarship!!! That's so exciting that you'll be attending Savannah School of Arts and Design! You will LOVE living in the southeast US. I'm from North Carolina and miss it so!


jnguyễn said...

OMG!!! Congratulations!!!!
<3 <3 <3

midwestvintage said...

Thanks so much! Yay!